Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

BlackOps Beta Testing

It’s time to start testing the BlackOps mod as part of the process for it to become a featured mod!

The functionality should all be there, now its your turn to help out and catch all the bugs, while we work on the client/server support for it.

We’re on the lookout for smaller bugs, typos in descriptions, oddities – fit and finish, polish.

To download the mod simply head to this page over here, then click the “Clone or download” button, and then “Download ZIP”. After that unpack the mod into your mods folder.

To report an issue or suggest an improvement, head to the forum page here. Remember we are depending on you, and the mods release will be closer with every bug reported!

We hope you enjoy playing it, and are looking forward to your feedback!