Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

Website updates

Hello everyone,

our website has received some updates.

  • You are now able to recover your password with your username or your email (instead of both before).
  • Steam linking should be working again. Please consider the latest steam changes. You need to set your profile and your game list to public
  • Our forums and wiki links are now set to https

During the update registration and password reset was temporarily broken due to problems with our email service. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If you encounter any issues, please post in the forums (Tech support).

– Brutus5000

Update: We sent out some emails with broken formatting. Thus mail the urls in the mails are unusable unless you manually copy it out. To fix this just redo the requested action (registration or password reset). All new mails should be fixed.
We are still investigating the timeout issue after password reset.