Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

Season 5 – New rules

The rules for season 5 have changed.


You start at 0 point, in the scout league.

Once you’ve reach a new league, your score is reset. You can’t go back to a previous league.

You can’t go lower than 0 point.

Winning/Losing points:

  • You gain 0.5 points for beating a player of inferior league 1 point for same league / 1.5 point for higher league.
  • You lose 0.5 points for losing to a equal league player.
  • You lose 1 point for losing to an inferior league player.

Leagues and divisions:

Scout League : needs 50 points to move on to the T1 league

  • Division Mole = less than 10 points.
  • Division  Spirit = more than 10 points, less than 20.
  • Division Snoop = more than 20 points, less than 30.
  • Division Selen = more than 30, less than 40.
  • Division Mech Marine = between 40 and 50.


T1 League : needs 75 points to move on to the t2 league.

  • Division Striker = less than 15 points.
  • Division Thaam = more than 15 points, less than 30.
  • Division Aurora = more than 30 points, less than 45.
  • Division Zthuee = more than 45, less than 60.
  • Division Mantis = between 60 and 75.


T2 League : needs 100 points to move on to the t3 league.

  • Division Blaze = less than 20 points.
  • Division Pillar = between 20 and 40.
  • Division Obsidian = between 40 and 60.
  • Division Wagner = between 60 and 80.
  • Division Ilshavoh = between 80 and 100.


T3 League : needs 125 points to move on to the Experimental league

  • Division Loyalist = less than 25 points.
  • Division Titan = between 25 and 50 points.
  • Division Othuum = between 50 and 75 points.
  • Division Harbinger = between 75 and 100 points.
  • Division Percival = between 100 and 125 points.


Experimental League :

  • Division MonkeyLord = less than 50 points.
  • Division Fatboy = between 50 and 100 points.
  • Division Ythotha = between 100 and 150 points.
  • Division Colossus = between 150 and 200 points.
  • Division Megalith = More than 200 points.