Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

FAF Charity Event(s)

First, some context:

One of my friend (and his little girl), had some health problems lately. As bad news never come alone, there was a problem with his health care insurance.

The good news is : With the help of all his friends, most of the fees are taken cared off for the moment.
The bad news is that she is left with almost nothing to live with for two months, and I’m running out of ideas.

I don’t feel particularly confortable when it come to asking people for things, that’s why I have came with this charity event idea.
It could has been done without telling you the context, but I prefer to be as honest as possible.

So, it will consist in different stages.

Coding marathons.

The first one will consist of a FAF coding event.
When donating, you will be able to vote for a feature you want in FAF. Here is some ideas:

  • A working mod vault (with a real search function).
  • A 2 vs 2 ladder.
  • A clan tag support.
  • The ability to change the directories where the maps/mods are loaded.

But It can be anything you want.
Each week, I will take the most wanted feature and will  implemented it in FAF.

I will livestream my screen while I’m working on it, and will try to do some live commentaries, over a week-end (and maybe some week days if it’s taking too much time).

The point is : The feature will be in at the end of the week.

IMPORTANT : It doesn’t mean I stop FAF development, or won’t make the features that are not voted in. Some are planned, some are not. Some are planned to be done in months, some in weeks. That won’t change these plans.

But it’s meant to be a fun way to get the things you want most as fast as possible.

Galactic War Launch Event

Remember the FAF launch event?

While there is no direct connections (it won’t be bigger or smaller depending on donation), I’m engaging myself to organize something at least as big to thanks you.

The event will obviously take place when Galactic War is done, more than probably this summer.


When donating for the coding marathons, you will be also be rewarded.

Every donator will get a little heart avatar.
At 10$, you will get a Galactic War avatar.
At 20$, you will get a planet named as you wish in Galactic War. The planet names will be introduced next week.
At 40$, you will get a personal avatar that you can make yourself.

If you’ve already owned one of these rewards, bigger ones are planned.
ie. A Galactic War sector (group of planet) named after you (the central one is already reserved for Gyle), or some civilian buildings, ….

For donating, you can use the Charity donate button on the left panel of the website. Don’t forget to put your FAF nickname and the feature you want me to code!

And of course, thanks you for your support!