Saturday the 6th of Feburary, 8am GMT- to name some cities:
9pm Auckland
7pm Sydney/Canberra/Melb time
6pm Brisbane
5pm Tokyo
4pm Perth, Beijing
Check your timezone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Please note, if you are interested but you can’t make it due to the time or day of the week, leave a comment so hopefully i can cater to more peoples needs next time ^^
Sign up page: http://challonge.com/roosanddropbears
This tourny was created for people who find it hard to be awake for European tournaments, there are no rating limits, this is just for fun!
This will be a double elimination 1v1 tournament with the default settings.
If anyone disconnects during a game, the TD will either call for a rematch or decide who losses.
A draw results in a rematch.
The currently exploit ban list applies to the tournament.
Be in Aeolus 15 minutes before the tournament starts, we will be moving people in before the tourny starts so it can start on time
If you aren’t in Aeolus 5 minutes before the tournament you will be removed from the tourny.
If your Challonge account name is different to your in game name please advice in the tourny thread.
Anyways, this is all just for fun so dw about your rating or whatever ^^
First prize: Tourn-y winner avatar, a Zock lesson (around 2-3 hours ish) and 10AUD
Second prize: Face of a faction avatar
Third prize: Logo of a faction avatar
Edit: Given that the tourny has a cash prize, i’ve decided that the Zock lessons can only go to people under 1500 so we can train and encourage newer people to the competitive scene. And lets face it, if you’re above 1500 in ladder, you’re ranked in the top 100 of all of FAF so lets share and just have fun? Hope you guys won’t be too sad about this new rule, sorry! <3
Kind regards,
Violet <3