Time and date:
Saturday the 27th of Feburary, 8am GMT- to name some cities:
9pm Auckland
7pm Sydney/Canberra/Melb time
6pm Brisbane
5pm Tokyo
4pm Perth, Beijing
Check your timezone: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Challonge page will be at: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/iMKGRLM47n
Note: if your challonge name is different to your in game name please advice in the thread below
This tourney is for everyone around the pacific time zones that can’t make it to the European tourneys due to the fact that they’re at 3 or 4 am etc…. Or for the crazy europeans and americans that don’t know when to sleep Jokes!!!! <3
No rating limits, this is just for fun! ^^ And it’s good practice
You just being in the tourny channel 15 minutes prior to the start of the tourny, type “/join #RoosAndDropBears” to join
I reserve the right to kick anyone from the tournament that isn’t in the channel 10 minutes prior, this is so we can have a timely start.
Also you must be signed up in the challonge page to participate – if you have issues with challonge, let me know in this thread and I’ll manually add you\
This will be a double elimination 1v1 tournament with the default settings
If there are over 16 people that join, i reserve the right to change it to a single elimination for a timely finish.
If anyone disconnects during a game, the TD will either call for a rematch or decide who losses.
If there is a draw during a game, the TD will either call for a rematch or decide who losses.
The current exploit ban list applies to the tournament.
Maps will be chosen on the day and more maps may be added to the map pool- let me know if there’s any maps you like ^^
Anyways, this is all just for fun so dw about your rating or whatever ^^ Everyone starts somewhere and who doesn’t love an underdog??? =D
First prize: Tourney winner avatar
Second prize: Face of a faction avatar
Third prize: Logo of a faction avatar
Note: Avatars can only be given out in a 1v1 tourney when there are more than 12 competitors, so if there aren’t 12 competitors, the tourny will still go on but there will be no prizes. Sorry guys, I don’t make the rules =P >.<