Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

Weekly Tourney u1500 Ladder

On the 19/03/2016

Saturday, 5 PM GMT (sorry aussies)
Check your timezone:

-U1500 ladder rating
-Players who get caught of artificially lowering their rating will be banned from this and all future tournaments
-Double Elimination (or swiss, up to change)
-Default settings
-If a disconnect results in a loss or a rematch will be decided by the tournament director
-A draw results in a rematch, but without a time limit increase.
-If a match doesn’t start within 15 minutes of a T.D announcing the round starting the T.D may disqualify any players causing delay
-You must have played atleast 10 ladder games within the last month to participate.

1st place: Tournament winner avatar + Zock lesson
2nd place: A faction avatar of your choice
3rd place: Softly’s donation goes to a charity of your choice
How to play?
Doubleclick the FAF tournament tab or sign up on the forum if the tournament tab isnt working (it isnt working atm).
In a timespan of 10 minutes before and after the start time of the tournament, you will be asked to join the tournament channel.
If you are not in the channel, you won’t be able to play the tournament!

Softly is willing to donate £1 to a charity for every player that enters the tourney. Third place gets to choose the charity