Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

Resolving multiple account issues.

Hello all,

As the UID check was re-enabled, quite a few issues were caused, and we hope to resolve this:

As of now, all existing links between computers and users have been scrubbed, so that everyone should have no issues logging in – the account that is first used will become the primary account.

If there are any issues that you would like to appeal about, please contact the irc mod team or Downlord immediately on the forums! We need to know, specifically :

  • The name/names of the accounts in question
  • If multiple people are still wanting to use the computer
  • If the steam link to allow multiple people to use the computer is not working (please check that all users are linked first)
  • If you want multiple accounts for another reason (legitimate reasons will be considered, we are aware of real concerns that have lead to the use of multiple accounts)
