Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

Patch 3680 Beta Preview

Hi everyone!

IceDreamer here with some news about the next big bugfixing and features patch:

The Deployment API route has been completed! This means that I or my team can deploy micro-fixes for problems found without needing to wait for a person with server access!!! Woohoo! 😀

The patch is called 3680 and has been in development for some months now. We’re at the point where I need the entire community to band together and play real games using the FAF Develop mod (It’s at the bottom of the list of Featured Mods)

There is a forum post HERE where you can list feedback about errors you encounter, bugs, or just general feedback

The Changelog can be found HERE

Part of this patch is what’s called a “Refactor”. Basically, to make modding easier in the future, we’ve moved some files around a bit. Unfortunately this means that some mods will be broken by the change. Below I will put instructions for mod-makers to be able to get their mod ready for the change.If you notice your favourite mod doesn’t work in the patch, LET THE AUTHOR KNOW!


Modders – We have refactored away the /modules directory, moving the files within it to appropriate places inside the lua directory. You can see the changes made if you scroll down THIS list, looking for commits marked with “Refactored … out of modules”
