Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

Temporary disruption on FAF services

Dear Commander,

yesterday we found a security vulnerability in our API. After some evaluation yesterday we decided that we immediately need to hotfix this issue regardless of the impact it will have on our other services.

As a result of that a lot of errors will occur around FAF and stuff will break, especially in the area of statistics. The website was down but now is back up, however some functionality of it is still broken 🙁 Also in the client (especially in the vault) a lot of things are not working correctly.

We are in contact with the developers of the library where the problem occurs and are searching for a solution. However the current situation might last for a week or longer.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but the protection of your personal data has the highest priority.

See the forum thread:

See the status page: