Led by Javi
The promotions team creates a steady flow of content for the client newshub, the website news articles and FAF content on social media. It is also the team that maintains the FAF Website, communicates with other communities for collaboration opportunities, promotes FAF tournaments

Led by Sladow
The trainer team are a group of interested people in the development of the FAF community. Their goals are providing opportunities to new players to develop their own skills and adapting them within the community. Aiding players on becoming part of the competitive scene.

Leader TBA
The FAFLive team is in charge of the FAFLive Twitch account. That is the official channel where FAF tourneys are casted by the top players and other prominent community members. They work towards a pleasant and smooth viewing experience for FAFLive Events.

Led by Swkoll
The tournament team makes sure FAF tournaments go as planned and quickly fix any unexpected issues. They are made of tournament directors who help ensure the rules of each tournament are followed correctly.

Led by Archsimkat
The matchmaking team curate and update the 1v1, 2v2 and 4v4 matchmaker pools every month. Determining the rating brackets and the pool breakdown by bracket, create matchmaker events to increase player engagement and gather feedback on what maps are liked by the community.

Led by Tagada
The balance team, as you may have guessed, has the continuous goal of balancing FAF’s gameplay to make it more fun, fair and engaging. Making sure all four factions are equally viable to play.

Led by Balthazar
The creative team moderates the map and mod vault, deciding on the ranking of maps, curating vault rules and recommended mods and maps. They also make sure to handle any mods or maps that break the rules or are inappropriate.

Led by Giebmasse
The moderation team acts as the final point for all moderation decisions. They make sure the FAF forums, aeolus chat and FAF Discords maintain a civil environment. Basically the FAF Police.

Led by Brutus5000
The DevOps team enables the promise of Forever in Forged Alliance Forever. They aim to maintain an open and reproducible, built to last and scale and as simple as possible but as complex as required Forged Alliance Forever.