Forged Alliance Forever

The community-driven lobby for Supreme Commander : Forged Alliance.

The FAF Councilors Pledge

Hi everyone.   This is the draft of the pledge I want the Players Councilor nominee to sign. Ultimately I want all FAF Councilors to sign a similar pledge – with just The Responsibilities changed.

This is not intended to be a legally binding contract, but simply a commitment to the community and the council.   Please share any thoughts you have.

FAF Councilors Pledge: The Players Councilor


Forged Alliance Forever (FAF) is a community project of players and contributors who want to sustain and advance the game Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance.

The Council of Setons is a group of FAF contributors selected and tasked with the responsibility to guide the FAF community project.

The Players Councilor is a member of the Council of Setons, who will be elected by the community to work on These Responsibilities:

  • Communicate with as many FAF players as is possible to gather, represent, and promote their ideas and interests.
  • Organize a schedule of the FAF community project events.
  • Organize tournament directors who run tournaments for players.
  • Gather feedback from the FAF project community to determine their top desires and problems.
  • Present and represent this information in the best interests of the players to the Council of Setons.

As a nominee for The Players Councilor, I pledge that:

  1. I will spend at least 4 hours per week working on These Responsibilities.
  2. I will be available at least 2 hours every other week for a voice call to discuss These Responsibilities and the responsibilities of other FAF Councilors.
  3. I will use and be available on the FAF Slack (chat) as much as possible.
  4. I will do my best to help the other Councilors perform their responsibilities.
  5. I understand that if I am unable to perform these duties, I will resign or be replaced.




The Players Councilor