This is a quick fix, solving two small “imbalances” and some bugs, all thanks to Pip.
Balance change :
- Mantis: turret turn = 100 (from 120), +10 compared to 3621 and before.
- Titan Health and shield HP switch was forgotten.
- Adding a blast radius effect (not dealing any damage) after a SCU teleport.
- Adding a 10 seconds stun after a SCU teleport.
Bug fixes :
Colors :
- Fixed order of colors so that blue and red are first (for automatch).
- Changed red to “Cybran red”.
- Removed light green that is too similar to white.
- Changed light grey into a darker grey.
- Checked that all the first 8 colors are not to difficult to distinguish for common color blind people.
In-Game fixes :
- Fixed SAM homing missile not reaching their target with the new Area of Effect.
- Fixed Aeon ships with Oblivion weapon (Destroyer, Battleship, Tempest) missing when turning.
- Fixed the Rhino and Cerberus projectiles not able to hit moving targets.
- Cerberus and Rhino lasers are now visible even if you don’t see the “source”.
- Fixed the UEF Janus dropping its bombs often in a small zone in front of the target, dealing no damage or almost.