Patch 3703 Beta UPDATE
Greetings Commanders, the balance team is proud to present the next iteration of the Patch 3703 Beta. Your feedback has helped guide the direction of Patch 3703, and we appreciate your continued engagement as we prepare this patch for the final release! Check out the updated patch notes here: http://content.faforever.com/patchnotes/3703.html Please provide your feedback here:…
King of Seton’s Clutch
Greetings Commanders, there will be a Seton’s Clutch tournament on Saturday, May 11th at 12:00 GMT, hosted by Yuri Ivanov. Sign up HERE -> https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=17464 This will also be the first major tournament to be played on the brand new ICE servers! Remember, you will need to have the latest version of the FAF client…
Patch 3703 Beta
Commanders! BETA PATCH NOTES HERE: http://content.faforever.com/patchnotes/3703.html At long last a new balance patch has entered its beta stage! Many units, buildings, and upgrades have been painstakingly adjusted by the balance team in the effort to keep FAF fair and fun for its players. But before any changes can be implemented, we need YOUR help! The…
Upcoming Elections
Greetings Commanders, Elections for Player Councillor and Maps and Mods Councillor are approaching. Please read this forum post for more details: http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17392 For those who may want to run for election for the councillor position, here are the respective threads where you may post your applications: Player Councillor application thread: https://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17393 Maps and Mods Councillor…
King of Badlands Tournament – March 30th
Commanders! The King and Prince of Map Tournament series, hosted by Rowey, continues! The next map in the circuit is Badlands, a classic barrens map pocked with craters and mexes! If you love mass-heavy maps with lots of spam and T3 rush potential, SIGN UP HERE NOW! -> http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=17321 Join the tournament, prove your skills,…