Casters channels menu.
We now have a “Cast” menu ! This menu will list our popular casters channels, with a nice embedded player. Contact admin at faforever.com if you want to be part of it !
Patch 3622 – Balance changes survey.
The survey for the patch 3622 is now available. You still can discuss it and have more details about the changes proposed here : http://www.faforever.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=52 You can fill your answer and preview the result on this link : http://www.faforever.com/survey/ You will be able to alter your votes as many time as you for a week. You…
Galactic War Banner
New patch season !
The forum for the next patch is now open. You can view the rules and participate in this forum : http://www.faforever.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=52 This is the time to participate or not in the balance process. If you don’t, you will lose your rights to cry about a change (or a non-change) !
Lobby 0.8.4
Increased the game port range upper limit (from 50.000 to 999.999) Replay vault : You can now filter the minimal rating of the players inside the game. (Won’t work with featured mods)