How come you don’t play ladder?
HintHunter wants to know from the community about your overall experience in ladder, discussions are welcome.
Nuke on this Map ?
See the Point of View of HalcyonWuff in a 4v4 Team matchmaker game where his allies Build a Navy nuke in the Pond ! what could go wrong ?
Check out some PBR Shader Images
BlackYps has uploaded some comparison screenshots of the new work-in-progress PBR shaders. The first picture is always the current shader, then comes the new shader without any post-processing.
Check out a new Caster
The FAF Cast Division is a New faf caster with a few casts under his belt. Check out his latest’s one here
Phantom-X Mod
SpikeyNoob fixed the Phantom mod – it is now a standalone mod that you can find in the vault. This allows you to play Phantom using other feature mods such as Nomads or Xtreme Wars!