Cast: Overpowered com 5v5
How do you think a Seraphim T2, Nano, Regen, 4 Vet Com fairs against 11 harbies ? Tune in to another PoV game from Rowey.
nine2 wants to know
We are still interested in hearing from newer players why they think new players leave FAF. 90% leave.
TMM is here!
Finally, TMM is available for the masses, which means there are new 1v1 and 2v2 queues for you to join. How to use it. Give feedback.
New Client 1.4
The latest client includes new Unexplored, Mex and Reclaim options for mapgen. There were other improvements as well – see the changelog.
Cast: Subpar Commander #3
Welcome to another Subpaaaaaaar Commander, where all players are <= 1000, which makes it fun, right? By Willow’s Duality.