Wars of Glory: JOIN US!
Wars of Glory is best described as an entirely new, SupCom-like, grand-strategy RTS which uses FAF units as its game pieces. Despite having the all (or most) of the same graphics as FAF.
How come you don’t play ladder?
HintHunter wants to know from the community about your overall experience in ladder, discussions are welcome.
Nuke on this Map ?
See the Point of View of HalcyonWuff in a 4v4 Team matchmaker game where his allies Build a Navy nuke in the Pond ! what could go wrong ?
Rainbow Cup VI $1500 Finals!
Tune in to FAF Live/Twitch on March 18th , 1400 UTC. Watch High-level 3v3 team tournaments with hostile AI roaming the map!
Check out some PBR Shader Images
BlackYps has uploaded some comparison screenshots of the new work-in-progress PBR shaders. The first picture is always the current shader, then comes the new shader without any post-processing.