Cringe Tournament III
Cringe Tournament III is a 2v2 tournament featuring a bizarre set of rules. Meant for players rated from 0 to 1300 and the weaker of the two players is placed in charge of the team.
Upcoming developers patch
With the last patch barely behind us we’re already working on the next patch. Find out about all the goodies in advance and share your ideas and thoughts!
RCV -AI Masters Tournament-3v3
A challenge as no other – battle with two team mates against not only three opponents, but against several AIs that can surprise you to break up the meta! Fight your way to the top! Take up the challenge of this double elimination tournament and out play your opponents and AIs to get a piece…
A new player entered the game of 1v1!
A 1v1 point of view from Halcyon Wuff going down on the map Niflheim – Final II v2 By Morax
SS rated 5v5 cast on RMG
Come and take a look as Endranii takes us for a ride in a high-level 5v5 cast featuring the crème de la crème of FAF 1v1 and global ladder!