Discussion #3 – Ridiculous Balance Ideas
What Ridiculous Balance Ideas do you have? Join in the Conversation over on the forums!
King of the Leagues
Welcome to the Kings of the Leagues, a tournament for 1v1 players in the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Diamond Leagues!
How to contribute to FAF Development
Jip takes us through a pull request and how to get started with developing for FAF and what to do with existing pull request and how to contribute to it.
More Performance on FAF Develop
No more notoriously slow ASF battles and improved fabricator behavior all available on the FAF Develop game type. We’re looking for your feedback
Tagada the new Balance Lead
We would like to welcome Tagada as FAF new Balance Team lead. We’re looking forward to seeing what changes he will bring to the evolving balance going forward, taking over the position from JaggedAppliance.