Javi’s Eye of the Storm Build Order
Javi’s build order series takes us to onto eye of the storm. maybe from this video you will be able to improve your next game on this classic map.
The Epic Fail Game
Derp provides us with an epic fail of a 5v5 game with his Memecast.
Custom 3v3 Gyle Cast
Custom high-level 3v3 which takes place on Huracan by TheBlackWolf
Community Manager Candidates 2022
FAF Community Manager Candidates have been announced! Meet the candidates Penguin_ and Deribus. Learn about how they want to help improve the FAF community. Voting will start on May 8th and end on May 15th.
Streamer Highlight – HalcyonWuff
Halcyon is an average ranked player who has been streaming regularly on the 1v1 & 2v2 Matchmaker.