1v1 Tournament Stats!
Swkoll has put together a collection of stats from throughout 2021.
Streamer Highlight: Kite
Kite is a Russian streamer how is a top ranked player at 1800 Global streaming around 9-13 UTC
Small suggestions to improve the game
Do you have an idea or something that bothers you with the game and can be classed as a small change? Post and discuss it here and it may become part of the next release.
2 hour megacast for Willow’s 100th cast
Willow has put out his 100th regular FAF cast and it features 2 games for 2 hours of FAF gameplay and fun!
Get some mayhem going!
AcidVash’s 16th Cast brings us an 8v8 with a mix of mid to high rated players on Gap of Plateau.