Reading your spot on the map
TheDuelist goes over how to read your starting position, what you are supposed to be doing, which mexes belong to you and more!
Gyle FAF Cast #444!
With a strike of fours for Gyle on cast #444, he is bringing us a 6v6 on Collapse of the Alliance.
Rainbow Cup IV
The sign-ups are still open! If you have what it takes and are free to play put your name down for the 3v3 with Civ AIs.
Derp is back with a 5v5 Epic Meme Cast
Derp has brought us an EPIC 5v5 battle on Picnic! Meme cast.
Willow Cast with Co-Caster Javi!?
That’s right, Willow is bringing us a Subpar Commander 6v6 cast on Millennium with co-caster Javi