Feature preview
The storage capping feature will be adjusted and extended. Engineers directly build instead of assisting and is extended to cap tech 2 artillery, radars, point defence and more.
4v4 matchmaker is just around the corner
A group from the ladder and dev teams reviewed the content available for the release of the two matchmakers, along with the player councillor discussing feedback from players.
Fall Invitational Groups Results
Here are the results from last Saturday’s Group Stage for the Fall Invitational.
Russian Dualgap special by Derp
Derp is back again with a Memecast on Dualgap this time with all Russian players so strap in!
Fall Invitational Final
This weekend is the 2-day Final event for the Fall Invitational. The top player is going to walk away with a cool $310 and 20pts for the LotS Tourny at the end of the year!