Huge Naval Battles! Willow Cast 83
Willow casted a pro-level Seton’s Featuring one of the longest and most beautiful Naval Battles in recent memory!
Streamer Highlight: Tagada
Tagada is currently the top player in 1v1’s and the second-best player in Global. He is also a part of the FAF Balance Team!
Survival Suffering
Derp has enlightened us with a meme extravaganza Survival game cast housing a lot of FAF tops Players!
Mini Legend of the Stars #1 Results
Tagada wins first Mini LotS! Post with the full results and rewards of the first Mini Legend of the Stars!
Commanders of Calypso – 2v2 every Sunday
Check out this WWPC-like tournament, a revival of the old Calypso event from the GPG era! Register as new challengers, fight the champions team to take their seat.