Mini LoTS #1
On September 25, the first Mini Legend of Stars event will be held. This event has a reward of Legend of the Star EOTY points so participate if you are competing for a place!
Promotions Team Update & Help Wanted
Rowey has posted an update on what the Promo Team has been up to as well as asking for some help!
Streams Casting of FAF Custome and TMM games and playing casual games. Global rank is around 1000
Cast: 6v6 on FAF Development
Derp has enlightened us with an Epic Meme Cast of a 6v6 game that was played using the latest FAF development in-progress changes.
Cast: Willow is back with a cast on Seton’s
Willow is back with a Cast on the Classic Setons Clutch with a special surprise of Instant-GC