Cast: Map-Gen 4v4 via the AutoHost Lobby
Another PoV cast from Rowey. This time it’s an autohosted mapgen 4v4 featuring Planty, Lollipop and questionable balance.
Cast: SCTA ShowMatch
The results are in. Watch the latest show match between Postal and Swkoll. Tune in for two hours of SCTA, Stonks and Pro TA.
New Chat Emojis
If you cant win the game, at least you can win the chat war. Ctrl-Knoob is adding emojis to ingame chat and he is looking for input.
Bugfix for new 1v1 Ladder map
Autumn has been added to the 1v1 pool. It includes a lot of textures, which occasionally causes graphical issues – check here for the fix.
Latest features for the FAF client
Client v1.4.3 dropped at the end of March, here are the latest bugfixes and feature updates.