FAF Association General Meeting 2023
The general meeting of the association takes place on March the 18th, 18:00 UTC. Find out more about what the association means to the community and how you can apply!
Developer’s Patch 3751 is out!
New hotkeys? Better slope building? Smart mex upgrades? Tons of QoL fixes? Find out about them all here!
Wars of Glory: JOIN US!
Wars of Glory is best described as an entirely new, SupCom-like, grand-strategy RTS which uses FAF units as its game pieces. Despite having the all (or most) of the same graphics as FAF.
How come you don’t play ladder?
HintHunter wants to know from the community about your overall experience in ladder, discussions are welcome.
Nuke on this Map ?
See the Point of View of HalcyonWuff in a 4v4 Team matchmaker game where his allies Build a Navy nuke in the Pond ! what could go wrong ?