TAG Craftious Maximus Build Order
Javi shows us a build order to use on Tag Craftius Maximus
Tech 2 Flak Breakdown
TheDuelist breaks down the differences between the T2 flak of the 4 factions
A Nice Big 7v7
Good old Acid cast on the cards with a 7v7 on Adaptive Aloren by Absolem
Help the Game Team with Development Builds
You can help out the game team by playing on the latest FAF Develop game type. Any bugs or issues you find and report to the game team help with future patch releases.
Test Article with All types of text For articles
This is a test article done to see how the different wordpress text and techniques would look. This is a Heading Block This is a Quote Block By Rowey This is a Classic Type Block wdwdwdwdwdw This is a preformatted Text Block This is a Pull Quote Block lorum Ipsum Table block Table Block Table…