Colossus Central !
Willow casts a 4v4 generated map with some average joes
Seraphim and Coalition uprising
The time has come! Experience the war after the closing of the rift from both sides of the battlefield. Fight with your friends or alone as you can carry on the weight of the seraphim and coallition campaign. Learn, adapt, improvise-make sure that you fight for the right cause, don’t let your guard down as…
Mad Maxs Maps Page!
Our favourite Cybran-fanboy map maker named Madmax has made a post on the forums to showcase all of his maps
Cringe Tournament
Welcome to the Cringe Tournament! It is a tournament with a ruleset that is simply cringe. Signing upper limit is 1300 global and no lower limit.
Summer Invitational Tournament
Congrats to Yudi for winning this years Summer Invitational tournament organised by Swkoll!