Game Development
You can learn more about the developers aspects during our bi-weekly programming session which is on Tuesday the 21st at 17:30 GMT +2 in the #game-development voice channel on the FAF Discord server.
Subpar Commander: Economy is overrated!
Willow brings us an average joe 4v4 on the map Miracle made by Super
Weekly Discussion #6 – Most awesome ACU nuke
The Weeks Discussion is all about the ACU Going Nuclear ! Share your thought over on the forum
Game Version 3738
Huge performance gains, UI improvements and bug fixes with the latest game version release on Sunday! Go feel the speed in large team battles! Creating stuff for SC:FA has also never been this easy before! Developing, Scripting for Maps and Modding is now significantly improved with modernized tools, such as IntelliSense support and re-introduction of…
Summer Invitationals Qualifier Round Winner!
Congratulations to Blast_Chilled for winning the qualifiers in the 2022 Summer Invitationals! With that he joins the top players such as Nexus and Tagada for the group stage this Saturday