May Server Update
Thier will be a schedualed Server update on the Tuesday 3rd May 2022 between 1am-2am UTC
FAF Youtube Milestone
Official FAF Youtube has reached 2000 Subscribers. With more diverse content being produced and readily available there is something for everyone.
Community Manager Candidates 2022
FAF Community Manager Candidates have been announced! Meet the candidates Penguin_ and Deribus. Learn about how they want to help improve the FAF community. Voting will start on May 8th and end on May 15th.
Streamer Highlight – HalcyonWuff
Halcyon is an average ranked player who has been streaming regularly on the 1v1 & 2v2 Matchmaker.
Packers Survival Script Tutorial Video
Packer took the time and effort to make a video to go along with the forum post about his survival script. All set up with time stamped chapters. The video can help you learn all the ins and outs for you to use the survival script to make your own survival maps!