Streamer Highlight: Tagada
Tagada is currently the top player in 1v1’s and the second-best player in Global. He is also a part of the FAF Balance Team!
Survival Suffering
Derp has enlightened us with a meme extravaganza Survival game cast housing a lot of FAF tops Players!
Mini Legend of the Stars #1 Results
Tagada wins first Mini LotS! Post with the full results and rewards of the first Mini Legend of the Stars!
Commanders of Calypso – 2v2 every Sunday
Check out this WWPC-like tournament, a revival of the old Calypso event from the GPG era! Register as new challengers, fight the champions team to take their seat.
Game Patch 3721
We are releasing game patch 3721. There are performance improvements, new decals for a number of projectiles and some bug fixes. Please report any new bugs that you encounter. Click here for more information.