Cast: Willows Duality
Willow is casting a 4v4 on the page today with an average team rating of 1200 for the teams with 1 high ranked player in each team!
Streamer: bam_gm
bam is a Russian player streaming and casting casual games in English with a global rating of around 900.
Game Patch 3721
We are releasing game patch 3721. There are performance improvements, new decals for a number of projectiles and some bug fixes. Please report any new bugs that you encounter. Click here for more information.
October League Invitational
The top 8 players of the September League will be facing off against each another in a Swiss Tournament format on the 8th!
Supreme Commander ‘Moments’ clips here!
New YouTube channel where we will collect epic\funny\wtf moments in shorts or compilation format.