Map Gen Week Feedback Request
In the conclusion of the “Map Gen Week,” the development and matchmaker team would like to get feedback from the community! Please visit the forum post and give your input when convenient.
Streamer Highlight: Ryfun96
Ryfun96 is a high ranked Auzie Player who players 1v1’s and team games, his current Global rank is 1700.
Cast: Willow is back with a Classic Map
Willow take us to a classic 2v2 map of Twin Rivers with the skill level around 1100-1400 so anything can happen!
Mini LoTS #1
On September 25, the first Mini Legend of Stars event will be held. This event has a reward of Legend of the Star EOTY points so participate if you are competing for a place!
Promotions Team Update & Help Wanted
Rowey has posted an update on what the Promo Team has been up to as well as asking for some help!