FAF Client 0.12.0 Preview 2
Download the new Preview from Github. This is the fourth preview of the next FAF Client release. The version was bumped to 0.12 because of the hotfix to 0.11.60. This preview fixes problems left in the last preview and continues the modernisation of the FAF Client. The Changelog is available on Github, notable changes: File…
Lobby 0.10.116 : Team matchmaker Beta.
This version introduce a new version rendered possible by FAF donators. Big thanks to them! Remember that you can help making new functions and updates possible by donating to FAF (left panel) and put the function you are asking for in the comments. Changelog The matchmaker allows you to play balanced team games. You can…
Lobby update : 0.10.111
Changelog Fixed a crash with the notification pop-up (when a map preview wasn’t available). Fixed a crash with non-Unicode characters in chat. (ie. Arabic character set). Changed the layout of the mod vault so titles are correctly displayed. Changed the initial mod vault list (most liked mods of all time are first).
Lobby 0.10.108 – Clans Management.
Changelog Clan Tag are displayed in the lobby. Fixing (actually bypassing) an issue with matplotlib & fonts on some PC that crashed FAF on startup. Fixing an error with the proxy server. The clan management Beta is online, you can test it there: http://faforever.com/clans/
Lobby 0.10.88
Changelog : New icon/logo (Thanks to Navras) Replays available directly in coop leaderboards. IRC chat is able to reconnect. Reconnection to relay server. Modes changes for users are correctly handled (+o, +v +q). Added support for /seen and !seen commands in chat. Added global & bot notices. Color + Blink when someone said your nickname (color…