How to Play the Air Role
Join TheGreenSquier and Sladow, a 2,000+ rated player, as they discuss everything you need to know to feel confident playing the dedicated air role in team games.
Common Mistakes
Watch this video by TheGreenSquier that tackles some mistakes new players make, and how to fix and avoid them to improve your games.
Gameplay FAQ
Check out the new gameplay FAQ post on the forums by Sladow and propel your skill and knowledge by leaps and bounds. Feedback on information you want to see be added is welcome!
Alternative implementation to the ringing feature
The old ringing or capping feature will soon be replaced with a new alternative. Give it a spin through the UI mod and share your constructive feedback.
A View from The Summit
If you missed the Beta Tourney stream from June and you are interested in the winners perspective, check out Sladow’s playlist showcasing all of the matches of his team.