The Galaxy Cup 2018 (1v1)
The Galaxy Cup will be a New 1v1 Tournament I will be hosting every 6 months. There are 3 Qualifying round and then the grand final. Top 4 from each qualifying round will go through (Position are important). The Tournament will be in the Double Elimination format. For Entering in to the first Qualifying Round…
Player Councillor Voting Update
Greetings Commanders, Unfortunately, due to a lack of technical hands, we have pushed our voting day back. Instead of voting opening on the 1st of June, it will now open on the 4th of June and run through until the 11th of June. A post will be made to announce the opening of the voting.…
E-Mail server incident
Hi, We had troubles with our email server configuration which resulted in certain email providers (especially mai.ru) rejecting our emails. This has now been fixed. Most providers now accept our emails, but they might still classify it as SPAM. If you sign up for FAF, reset your password or expect emails from the forums, please…
Balance Patch 3696
Hello Commanders, Tonight we are releasing Balance Patch 3696, the long awaited T3 rebalance patch. Patchnotes can be found here: http://content.faforever.com/patchnotes/3696.html PetricPwnz has put together an in-depth video explaining the reasoning behind many of the changes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emz9WwAOoxM For questions, query’s, feedback and anything in between visit the release thread here: http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=16242 We hope you…
Ultimate Seton’s Kings (4v4, no mods, rating >1000)
No rating restrictions except for global rating to be more than 1000 (so there won’t be teams with low-skilled players who will lose their games anyway). Standard double elimination (final brackets will be available about 15:10 GMT time). You need to be online in FAF 10 minutes before the start of the tournament. Otherwise you will…