Balance Patch 3676
Balance patch 3676 is released. Patchnotes can be found here. The focus of this patch was to work on the hp changes introduced in the previous balance patch. We are adding another tier of hps for the Seraphim, between UEF and Aeon. This is to give them a nice buff and also increase the diversity…
Nomads 3v3 Tourney
The featured mod ‘Nomads’ is working again! It adds a completely new faction to the game with a unique background and abilities. Orbital artillery, folding transports, underwater mobile missile launcher and intelligence drones… all that and many more assets like these are in the arsenal of the faction… … and you will need it all…
Client version 0.12.3 Preview
Hello FAF, tl;dr: New client preview, please download, install and test! There is a new client version on the horizon – another release of small improvements and bugfixes. It can be downloaded from Github and if no big problems are found, will see final release in a few days. Please report any problems in the…
Cloudflare Security Incident: Reset your passwords
Hello FAF, some of you may have heard of the Cloudflare Security incident. Cloudflare is a popular internet support company, mainly offering CDN and DDoS Protection services. Forged Alliance Forever has been using Cloudflare to protect our forums.faforever.com and reduce the amount of web traffic. For about four months, Cloudflare had a bug in several…
The new moderation team
After two weeks we proudly present our three new members; Giebmasse, lextoc and Jackherer. Many of you will know them as they’ve been contributing to this community for some time already. On the other hand, we say goodbye to the moderators who parted ways. Viking handed in his moderator rank, VioletAnia and toejams were let…