Lobby 0.8.3
We’ve replaced the current random faction option (closing your eyes, hovering your mouse over the icons and click) by a computerized random (probably less random that the previous method). The online replay vault displays the start time (local time for you), and will arrange replays by days. The online replay vault can display teams, factions,…
FA Lobby 0.8.1
This is a major upgrade introducing the new online replay vault.
Forged Alliance Forever Promotional Trailer
FAF Lobby 0.7.599
You can finally choose what avatar you want to display ! Right-click on your nickname, and choose “Select Avatar”. A window will open with all the avatars available for you. If you don’t set any avatar, the leagues/divisions avatar will be displayed automatically. Complete change log :
Supreme Destruction Update.
New units -UEF Clipper Class: T3 Air Obliterator (ship) Complete changelog :