1v1 & Coaching with TheDuelist
Starting off with a fierce 1v1 between TheDuelist and TheGreenSquier, we’ll also watch the replay afterwards to see what we could have done better!
Balance Patch 3750 Is Live
Welcome to the patchnotes for the 3750 patch. This patch aims to alleviate the most pressing imbalances that have arouse over the past 2 years. Notably the dominance of Sniper bots and Titans/Loyalists during the T3 stage, Nukes being extremely oppressive, air T4s and T3 artilleries being rushed without any energy infrastructure and the power…
PBR shaders textures request
This is a request for help! We’re looking for contributor(s) that can find their way around software like Photoshop or Gimp. Blackyps and Blodir implemented new shaders that better represent lighting, but a lot of units have textures with missing or broken channels. We’re looking for your help to tackle this task
Game Ender Squad Madness
Bam_GM Brings us a average ranked custom 4v4 going down on the map Razor lake Remix
HalcyonWuff 1v1 PoV
Halcyon take on the 1v1 Que in a match on a Classic Map Seraphim Glaciers