Yuri’s Blitz #14 – 1v1, 1200 global rating or lower
Thursday, 13th of July. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on Yuri’s stream. 1st round (by challonge) played simultaneously, so no need to observe every game, and tournament is faster (and can service more players). Blitz tournament, fast 1v1 on random 5x5km maps (whichever Yuri will choose if he’s observing in-game live, or whichever…
Pro & Joe 1v1
This will been a single elimination round setup so once you lose, you’re out. There is a prize pool of £40 to be split between both players. Rules and requirements Ranking Joe Global = 1k-1.5k Pro Global = 1.6k+ Rules are that the Joe will be the one actively playing the game where as the…
Yuri’s Blitz #13 – 2v2 (team<2200) (player<1200)
Global rating 1200 or lower. Games played – 50 or more. Team rating (1st player + 2nd player) 2200 or lower. Monday, 10th of July. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament will be played live on Yuri’s stream. All games BO1 (1 win moves forward), Finals are BO5 (need 3 wins to become the Blitz Masters). Maybe…
Yuri’s Blitz #12 – 8 FFA Crazyrush Survival, any rating
Thursday, 29th of June. 18:00 Moscow time. Tournament played live on Yuri’s stream. For better understanding of time you can look here: https://www.google.ru/#newwindow=1&q=moscow+time(Google will show you what time it is now in Moscow). Any rating. Survival tournament, 8 players on crazyrush. x1 res, no restrictions. When you die – how many points you get. 1st…
Sun and Ice 3v3 Tourney
When? Sa. 1th of July 2017, 14:30 GMT = 16:30 CEST* End of Signups: approx 10 min before the tourney begins IRC channel: tba Bracket and Matchups: http://challonge.com/uil7eo4u *if you are not sure if I did the timezones correctly: the CEST time is the one which counts! http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ or use this: https://time.is/CEST The tourney will…