Yuri’s Blitz #31 – PUBG-style (drop, Claustrophobia, FFA)
Monday, 30th of October. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on Yuri’s stream – https://www.youtube.com/user/SuperYourassik/live. Any rating. Ultra-prize: choose game (Battlefield One, FIFA 17, Titanfall 2, Star Wars Battlefront) and get account with it. 5 players, free for all. x2 res, no restrictions. “Hard FFA” mod activated (where ACUs spawn inside transports in the middle…
LegendOfTheStars Qualifier Tournament #3
28th of October, 16:00 GMT/18:00 CEST This Tournament is part of LegendOfTheStars End-of-Year-Championship 2017 viewtopic.php?f=26&t=15104 IRC channel: #LegendOfTheStarsTourney Bracket and Matchups: http://challonge.com/LotSQualifier3 This is a 1v1 tournament with no rating limit. To sign up, post your name below. If you do not have a forum account, contact me, I will proxy sign you up (Tokyto_ in the…
Yuri’s Blitz #30 – 1v1, 1200 ladder rating or lower
Monday, 23th of October. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament played live on Yuri’s stream. 1st round (on challonge) played simultaneously, so no need to observe every game, and tournament is faster (and can service more players). Ultra-prize is Battlefield One account. Blitz tournament, fast 1v1 on random 5x5km maps (whichever Yuri chooses if he’s observing in-game live,…
Yuri’s Blitz #29 – 1v1v1 FFA no mods, ladder <1200
Yuri is hosting another tournament! 3 players Free For All – 1v1v1 on small 5x5km maps (random slots) Any rating. Thursday, 19th of October. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament is played live on Yuris stream. So you need to be online and play during that time, games will be created and narrated by Yuri live.…
Yuri’s Blitz #27 – 1v1v1 FFA x2res, any rating
Yuri is hosting another tournament! 3 players Free For All – 1v1v1 on small 5x5km maps (random slots) Any rating. Thursday, 12th of October. 18:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time). Tournament is played live on Yuris stream. So you need to be online and play during that time, games will be created and narrated by Yuri live.…