The FAF must go on!
Brutus wrote a brilliant post about why FAF is looking ahead instead of longingly at mr. Freeze’s freeze gun.
Update Results
The update went well and we’ve got a bunch of things to show for it, read here.
Graphic Artists Wanted
We’re looking for experienced Photoshopers to make the ranking Icons for FAF for the upcoming league system. Think you’ve got the chops? head on over to the forum!
Our new Creative Councilor
We have a newly elected Creative Councilor : Biass He presents his plans in the following forum post.
First Qualifier Results
This first of four qualifier groups has played out with Tagada, Turinturambar, Espeperant and underdog Swkoll securing a place in the tournament. FtXCommando is seeking some helpers to organize the matches, so that he is able to spend more time covering the event. PM him for details. Next qualifiers are on 24/Oct.