Legend Of The Stars
The incredibly generous LotS has once again thrown in his $500 for the end of year tournament.
King of DualGap Tourney
Lenkin has kindly organized a DualGap tournament with a $210 prize. It’s 6v6 and it’s on this Saturday.
Gyle Commentary
Nomads has recently grown to reach the same popularity as Ladder, and now Gyle has weighed in – and he likes it. Watch as he showcases some of the great games from the recent ‘mads tourney. Gyle is joined by chief Nomadgineer Exotic Retard, who highlights the units and new effects that transcend what even…
Sneak Preview of TMM
The FAF Team is doing Team Matchmaker public testing this weekend! Help expedite the feature’s implementation by signing up for the Tester role on the FAF Discord and filling out the Doodle Poll.
The future of RTS
An interesting article about EA’s outlook on the future of RTS in light of the recent success of C&C Remastered.