Rocky Carnage and the Lazer Duo
Feast your eyes on Endranii’s cast of this massive 7v7 match!
LotS Winner!
A huge round of applause for the returning champion to take a second-in-a-row title, Nexus! It was a lengthy and brutal set of battles across the top 16.
Gyle Cast 2v2 on Mavys Marsh
Gyle has joined the fray in casting this over casted game! Enjoy!
December Updates
We have had a few updates in December. Rowey has put together a forum post highlighting some of the key points.
New AI Has Emerged
Newly developed AI by maudlin27 which can be downloaded from the vault (no other mods required). Works best on 5×5 maps. Devlog and progress are summarised on the FAF forum