Ladder week map pool
Hello Commanders! Don’t forget to participate in the Ladder Week Tournament starting right now! More info here: http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=15474 Leaderboard: http://ladderstats.fafcasts.com/ 1v1 Automatch (Ladder) Maps for this week are: 5×5 Crimson Feud 10×10 Badlands Cobalt Valley Hollow Eridani Forbidden Pass 20×20 Roanoke Abyss
Lobby 0.10.116 : Team matchmaker Beta.
This version introduce a new version rendered possible by FAF donators. Big thanks to them! Remember that you can help making new functions and updates possible by donating to FAF (left panel) and put the function you are asking for in the comments. Changelog The matchmaker allows you to play balanced team games. You can…
Lobby 0.10.94 – New matchmaker function.
Changelog: Fixing an error with corrupted replays. Custom map pool for the matchmaker. How is matchmaker working now? You are now selecting the maps you want to play out of 80+ maps. When you are matched against someone, the server is checking both players map list, make a common pool of your maps, and randomly…
League Season 4 !
The season 4 has started ! The ladder is as followed (given by the winners of the last season) : 8 – Badlands_v4 loki TAG_Craftious Maximus TAG_Voi_Vittu Twin Rivers Setons Lite Forbidden Pass Seraphim Glaciers Theta Passage Fields of Isis Canis River Syrtis Major Sentry Point Roanoke Abyss Arctic Refuge Vya-3 Protectorate Four-Leaf Clover Blasted…
Season 2 Champions !
The league season 2 has ended, and here are the winners ! The winners won a League Season 2 Champion avatar (gold, silver and bronze) for life ! Scout League : PuddleJumper with 580 points. Flynn with 443 points. Aldarion with 396 points. Tier 1 League : olave with 313 points. silent with 295 points.…