Supreme Commander FA and Gold on Sale!
A word from Nordic Game : http://steamcommunity.com/app/9420/discussions/0/540734792951519813/ A word from Total Biscuit (starting at 12 min 27) [youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gizVo7bOcF8&t=12m27s’] And of course the store page link to forward to all your friends : http://store.steampowered.com/app/9420/?snr=1_5_9__205
Steam OpenId – Account linker.
For now, Forged Alliance Account were tied to computers. It was not possible to create or log in a second account on a single computer. This protection is there to reduce the amount of smurfs. Smurfing is utilizing an account with a lower ranking than usual to beat up on lesser players. It is now…
Steam Community Group
If you are using Steam, you can now subscribe to the Steam Community Group ! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ForgedAllianceForever This way, you will get the latest news about Forged Alliance Forever directly into steam, as well as automatic reminder for various events (tournaments, live casts, ….).
FA Update + Lobby Update !
Lobby Update : Fixing : Typing bug when having private chat and main chat. End of the changes for the new patching process. Adding more delay (from 1 to 10 seconds) before giving up on connection on start. Fa Update : Adding “3603” compatibility to 3608 patch. What does that mean ? It means that…
How are the things going ?
The new updater. We are currently changing the way FAFInstaller (and the update system) works. Here is how it will work : Until now, the updater was downloading the whole files. Now it will download a real patch. Meaning that instead of downloading 5-6 mb each time, you will have to download only a few…