Yuri’s Blitz tournament 6
YuriIvanov is hosting another Blitz tournament – Yuri’s Blitz #6, just some 1v1 action. Global rating 1200 or lower, 30 games played. Thursday, 18:00 Moscow time -> brackets shuffle and start of the tourney. Winner gets awarded the lovely Blitz avatar. 2nd and 3rd places get avatars. All games are 1×1 on 5km maps. Details…
FAF Client: 0.12.5 Release Candidate
Commanders, after initial field testing elicited no reports of major issues, the 0.12.5 Version of the Python Client has now been promoted to Release Candidate. This version contains a big bag of bugfixes and improvements, for example: New themeable login widget Better connection / login logic Better “Play” view (Game sorting) Better “Replays” view (Display,…
Yuri’s Blitz tournament 5
YuriIvanov is hosting another Blitz tournament – Yuri’s Blitz #5 krazy x100 res 1x1x1x1 FFA. Any rating is permitted. Monday, 18:00 Moscow time -> brackets shuffle and start of the tourney. Winner gets awarded the lovely Blitz avatar. 2nd and 3rd places get avatars. All games are 1x1x1x1 (FFA 4 players) with x100 resources Details…
Hotfix Patch 3682
Greetings Commanders Today we have another hotfix for you. It has a few small changes that were ready so I’ve put them in to get them to you guys, but the main purpose of this patch is this: “-Fixed a typo that is probably responsible for the rare sim freeze bug that has been happening…
Nomads Patch V65
Hello Commanders, Just a quick update for all of the Nomad Commanders, there has been a new patch. You can find the patch notes on our forum here: http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=14315#p148667 Patch Hightlights Fix to reduce frame rate issues Better AI support Capacitor changed to ACU/sACU upgrade If you come across further issues, please post them here: http://forums.faforever.com/viewforum.php?f=15 Happy…