FAForever Client Release 0.12.1
Hello FAF, together with Sheeo I just uploaded the first proper release version of the FAForever Python Client 0.12. You will be prompted to upgrade when running any older client versions. This version adds no features or fixes over the last preview version (0.12.0-pre3), but it has now been rolled out to everyone. Due to…
Introducing the new Balance Team
Hello Faffers, In case you have missed the news, Zock has stepped down as Balance Councillor and the Council of Seton’s have elected me(JaggedAppliance) as successor. First off, a massive thanks to Zock for his contributions as balance councilor, he made a lot of important changes to improve this great game and put a huge…
Balance Patch 3674 and Balance Councillor change
Hello everyone, Balance patch 3674 has just gone live. You can find the changes here: http://content.faforever.com/patchnotes/3674.html This patch includes changes to many buildings’ hp values and also a number of changes to the Ythotha. We have accentuated the hp differences in the factions to make them more relevant. UEF has more hp than other factions…
Nomads Campaign – looking for storytellers!
Hello Commanders! We are currently working on a whole new campaign, the Nomads campaign! But we need help, we are desperately looking for a good storyteller. If you are a person that thrive in creating new characters and crafting an amazing story, we would love to have you in our team! Currently we have written…
Call for Java Developers
Times change and so does FAF. This is a call to all Java developers, who are hiding in the shadows and want to contribute but were not interested in contributing to the current stack of Python code. We have a huge pile of new emerging Java projects, that look out for new developers and maintainers. So…