FAF Coding School
Most of us always wanted to contribute to FAF but lack the coding skills to do so. Especially for those people, Softly(Softles) will be hosting a FAF coding school where he will explain how to start contributing. There is absolutely no coding skill required! There will be a dedicated chat room for all participants, where…
Bug Reports for 3652 (New Update today)
Hey all, as comes a new patch, also come new bugs features. Check here to report desync http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12360 And this thread for rating bugs http://forums.faforever.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12359 IceDreamer
Ladder map pool rotation
Hi everyone. It took much longer than i hoped, but the first short term rotation is now online, and all short rotation maps are switched. The next short term rotation is scheduled in 2 weeks, the next long term rotation is planned for June. Enjoy the old and new maps and have fun laddering! -Zock…
Roos and Drop Bears 1v1 Tournament #4 30th of April
Time and date:Saturday the 30th of April, 8am GMT- to name some cities:8pm Auckland6pm Brisbane/Sydney/Canberra/Melb time5pm Tokyo4pm Perth, Beijing Check your timezoneChallonge page will be at: http://challonge.com/roosanddropbears30aprNote: if your challonge name is different to your in game name please advice in the thread below. If you can’t make a challonge account for whatever reason, post in…
Empire ladder week has ended!
Its the end of the week and so the end of this endeavor. Over the course of this week we have seen a great increase in activity from high and low rated players alike, even a few games from players who were taking a break from FAF! The man with the most points, the most…